Bridge for Billions

Enabling real change through entrepreneurship

Bridge has been a client of ours for nearly 2 years. We began supporting them when they were 25 people. The founders had a crystal clear vision of their purpose and the culture they wanted to build, but they were struggling to bring that vision into life. 

They were experiencing many of the “growing pains” of scaling up:

  • bottlenecks in decisions
  • leaders feeling overwhelmed
  • dependable people on the overwhelmed leaders
  • teams working in silos
  • misalignment around the culture, and 
  • performance challenges in marketing and sales

Pablo, the founder, was under a lot of pressure, struggling to keep his head above water, feeling stressed, anxious and close to burnout. 

Julie, his right hand woman and co-founder was executing to the best of her capabilities but struggling to translate her vision of the culture into reality. She said: 

The culture is perceived as “utopian” for some, for others, clear and inspiring in theory, but poorly applied and confusing in practice

By July, the team had grown to 45 and by the end of the year to 60. 

Working together, we ran a series of programmes to address key areas of challenge. 

"I credit Re-Map for our rapid and substantial growth"

Intervention #1

Slowing down to speed up, Develop the four qualities of Scaleable Leaders

The first intervention was with Pablo. Nash conducted the Slowing down to speed up programme over a 2 day retreat, with follow ups after.

Pablo returned from their offsite a different person and leader

During the offsite, Pablo discovered that he was innately capable of being well. He realised that other people and circumstances did not have the power to create his experience, instead that his experience was coming from the inside-out and that he had the capacity to be in balance with life and have clear, insightful thinking in every moment.

"Nash has had a profound impact on my professional and personal life through the transformative work of Scaleable Leadership"

a professional headshot of the quotee

It's challenging to articulate the profound shift I experienced – a clear demarcation before and after this journey. The insights into the mind and its connection to leadership that Nash brings are truly transformational. I've become capable of achieving more, leading my team more effectively, and finding joy in my endeavours.​​​​​​

Pablo Santaeufemia, Founder and CEO

Soon after he got back, people around him started commenting on the “different Pablo”. He was more calm, easy and joyful. More clear in meetings. He started to feel much better within himself. He learned to connect more deeply with his team, building trust with them and being able to influence with more ease. 

The process was not “once and done”, instead it’s been an evolving process of learning, reflecting, sharing and growing.

Pablo as a new type of leader

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Pablo has made significant changes when it comes to influencing others. I've personally seen that in my 1-2-1s with him. I've seen him enjoying complex / uncertain situations rather than letting them affect him personally like it used to. He’s more calm and accepting whatever comes.

Jaime Matteo, CTO

Intervention #2

Short Term Clarity: Nailing the next 120 days with OKRs

Next we began addressing execution challenges. Overhauling their OKR process and aligning around the most important strategic priority for the business. 

From there, the leadership team worked together to define the OKRs that would enable them to deliver on their strategy. 

The storytelling that went into the presentation of the OKRs with the team ensured there was buy in at all levels of the company. The team began organising themselves in a cross functional way to deliver on those KRs.

Delivering on these KRs was a breakthrough for the team. Addressing the business issues increased confidence while also improving customer experience and business results.

Intervention #3

Scaleable Leadership: Four steps and four skills to leading your team effectively

Work with the founders and leadership team had proved an enabler of performance. Pablo and Julie began asking Re-Map for a training programme for people leaders. A group of 14 people who were responsible for leading other team members at Bridge. They wanted to improve their balance/wellbeing and influence, so they can accelerate the achievement of important business goals in sales, marketing and programmes.

Based on our principle of “achieving business results through the development of others”, we established two Scaleable Leadership programmes - to enable leaders to develop and improve in balance/wellbeing and influence, particularly in their capacity for co-creating solutions with others.

Scaleable Leadership programme feedback

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This Scaleable Leadership programme has been a real game-changer. Having the 4 steps clear is proving really important for me. I feel more confident about how to lead my team, even though I am just starting to practice, 5/5!

Scaleable Leadership Participant

The company has scaled from 25 to 60 people while well-being improved

Reflected in the “thriving index”, for example in relation to the question -  I feel a sense of internal balance at work most days - increased from average 3.3 / 5 to average 4.5 / 5. ​​​​​​​

80% of the team now have clear goals for the next 6 months and understand how their work contributes to company strategy and purpose. 

Impact on the Co-Founder

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I have been learning SO MUCH in the 2 years we have worked together and my whole team as well, learning way beyond building a great social enterprise, it's about how humans work and what is possible when we understand that (spoiler: everything). I don't know what still awaits but I am sure a lot. Thank you Re-Map and thank you Nash 💙

Julie Murat, Co-founder and COO

What has been achieved was best summed up by this sketch done by one of the long standing Bridgers ☺️